Wikis yet another way to share information! I loved the video - Sarah and her vintage scooter!! Back in the eighties if you loved scooters you joined up with the mods and went on scooter runs. Only to very close towns however, because the scooters would always nearly passout going up greenmount hill. Sounding like a swarm of mosquitos they would tearup Great Eastern Higway much to the amusement to truckies and bikies alike. The towns were always glad to see us sending the local coppers to meet and greet us. We would then be carralled into an area where we were told to stay. We would light the barbie, pour the drinks and fire up the music till the wee small hours. Seems so much more sociable than sitting at home with your computer! Still I bet Sarah has more braincells left but I have the photos!
Anyway one wonderful discovery I made about Wikis was Wookipedia! WOW!!(I couldn't resist)! You know this is how religions start!!! In a thousand years they will all be praying to the great god George Lucas (perhaps that expains the beard). If we could harness all that dedication, fervour and knowledge and put it to work for good instead of in the service of the empire we would cure cancer and feed the world! I mean 82 133 pages Seriously! The bible isn't that long!! The Internet seriously needs Fictional disclaimers!!! You know people its is fictional!!!! 82 133 fictional pages!!!! If you really want to submerge yourself into some fascinating worlds try some world history for a change - it has battles, death, destruction, romance and intrigue and guess what! Hey!! no made up words!! ...Do you think I should post this on Wookiepedia?
Thank you for your entertaining blog. You can't have lost too many brain cells!